Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Chloe's Dedication

Chloe was dedicated this past Sunday. Brad's parents drove out from Billings, and Grandpa Bob was the one that actually got to pray over her! So fun for her to be able to say she was dedicated to the Lord by her own Grandpa. Definitely noteworthy of a page in her scrapbook for sure! ;)

*Random side note: I desperately need to invest in a full length mirror! Once I looked at these pictures I was embarrassed to find I wore a mini-skirt in front of the whole church! I couldn't find any black slacks that would fit my post-pregnant body, so I rummaged through the garage and found a knee-length black skirt in my summer bin. Only to find that it's not so knee-length, when you have to hike it up to the smallest part of your waist to even button the darn thing! Yikes.

My aunt Jo came up for the service was fun having family on both sides celebrating together.

Josiah, the wiggle worm.
Love it when they sleep through a dedication instead of cry through one! We've had those too...

Grandpa Bob praying over Chloe

Brian and Susan (Brad's brother and his wife), also came up from Bellingham for the dedication.
My aunt Jo, Grandma, and Rob with Chloe after the dedication at our house.