Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Memories in the making...

I'm sure every wife thinks their husband is the sweetest, but I'm convinced I have them all beat. =0) Brad is awesome. Most people only see the sarcastic side of him, but at home it's a totally different story. He's always cleaning, doing dishes, laundry, giving the kids a bath, reading them stories, taking them for walks... super helpful, super sweet, and always thoughtful...he's the perfect package. So I shouldn't have been surprised when an hour or so after Chloe was born he disappeared then came in and placed a little angel ornament in front of me. "What's this?" I asked. "It's our Christmas ornament for this year." I picked it up and looked at it, and it was absolutely perfect. A sweet little angel with the name "CHLOE" on her skirt. When Brad and I first got married, we started buying one Christmas ornament every year that signified a major event that took place. One year we took a vacation to Maui, so our ornament was an ornament full of sand and seashells that says, "Maui" on it. The year I discovered I was pregnant with Reagan we bought a little snowbaby ornament. We bought an ornament the year I started working, the time we bought our first house... you get the idea. It's sounds kind of sappy, but my favorite part about decorating for Christmas is opening up the Christmas tree ornaments and taking a trip down memory lane. I was in awe that Brad would think that far ahead, especially after our last crazy 24 hours! All that was on my mind was taking a good long nap!

As I was still oohing and aahhing over the sweet little angel ornament, he leaned down and placed this beautiful necklace around my neck. "And here's a gift for mommy," he said.

I got tears in my eyes as I looked down
and saw my new necklace.
On the front is a picture of a family tree...

And on the back it says, "Many hearts, One family."

I don't know what's wrong with me, but the older I get the more sentimental I am. I told Brad, "I'm going to wear this every day for the rest of my life, it's so perfect." I'm sure at some point it will break or fall apart, but for now, it's lasted six weeks and still going strong. =0)


LeAnne said...

I was going to ask you about your necklace at MOPS but I forgot. I noticed it right away because it looked special. What a sweet husband you have!