Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ready or not, here I GROW!

Okay, Okay, I know the title of this blog is really cheesy, but that's almost what it feels like. Whether I'm ready for it or not, our little Chloe is growing, and she's growing fast. No, she's not a super chubby baby, but it seems like her face changes over night some times. I found this picture of her with Brad when she was a few weeks old, and she looks so tiny! Hard to believe she's only two months old, and has already changed so much! Here's some pics of her over the last few months.
Sportin' her valentines outfit that Jeremy and Leanne gave her. The onesie on the inside says, "Love Me"... how can you not, I ask? =0)

Ready for church
Everytime I see this picture I laugh. She wore this outfit on a Wednesday night to youth group and one of our very blunt youth staff guys said, "What's on her head? I don't like it." I was so shocked, I burst out laughing. The more I looked at it, the more I thought, "Y'know, it kinda does look like some kind of furry spider is sitting on the side of her head."

Daddy with his girls...getting bigger!
Curled up and cozy in polka dots...
I love these pics of her right out of the bath. The sun was streaming in through the window, and she looked so fresh and sweet, I ran to grab the camera
Sweet little baby

Two Months Old.

Well in the time that I've taken to write a few paragraphs, I've broken up a few fights, cleaned up a potty accident, rescued a dart from a high window sill, picked up an entire box of baby wipes that somebody dumped all over the floor, sent some boys outside to run some energy off and then brought them back in after I had to tell them not to throw shovels full of dirt on each other, and two minutes later tell them not to pour watering cans of water on each other... There are times I get frustrated when I feel like I'm pulled in so many different directions, and I can't do something as simple as sit down at the computer for a few minutes. But as soon as that thought enters my head I remind myself that it's "Life". Whether it's cleaning up messes, disciplining children, or watching my sweet little baby girl grow over night, this is my life, and I want to enjoy it. Just as I'm amazed at how quickly Chloe is growing, I'm sure there will be a day when I look back at these diaper filled, tired, messy days and wonder where the time went. So for now, I will enjoy my messy house, my endless list of things to do, and my beautiful children that God has given me. What a gift, this thing we call, "life".