Saturday, November 27, 2010


For the first time in our married lives Brad and I had our own Thanksgiving dinner at home. It wasn't planned that way. We had intended to go up to my parents, but Josiah got really sick, and we thought it would be best to stay home and let him heal up completely. At first I wasn't looking forward to it, okay, who am I kidding... I cried. Then, I talked to my grandma who said, she thought every family with school-aged children should start their own holiday family traditions. The more I thought about it, the more I was inspired. It would be fun to make lasting memories with the kids. So I enlisted their help too, see below. I also found a free 63 page Martha Stewart Thanksgiving cookbook online. So fun! Every single recipe I have tried from that cookbook to date, has been hands down awesome! I highly recommend it. We ended up having a friend that I grew up with come over which made it all the more fun.

Josiah's Thanksgiving hand-print napkin holder he made in Royal Rangers.

Reagan helped write everybody's names on their place cards.

Thanksgiving ended up being way better than I anticipated, and it reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for...especially my mama! Preparing a Thanksgiving meal is hard work! I was up until 2:30 the night before prepping stuff, and getting everything ready! Fun, but exhausting all at the same time.