Sunday, November 28, 2010

O' Christmas Tree, O' Christmas lovely are your branches!

I am the worst Christmas tree decorator in the WORLD!!! No joke! My Christmas trees have always been pathetic. All I've ever done is put Christmas balls on the tips of the branches, and scatter a few snowmen around (I had heard people say you were supposed to decorate a tree with a theme) and that's it. I've never even had a tree topper before, that's how bad I am.

Well, in a few weeks we are having a bunch of friends over for a Christmas party, and the thought of everybody seeing my eye-sore of a tree was motivation enough for me to do a little research. I typed in, "How do you decorate a Christmas tree..." and voila! So much information, I didn't know where to begin. For the past two days, I've been decorating, re-decorating, watching videos... and still don't have anything spectacular to ooh and aahhh about, but I did pick up some good tips! I didn't know you were supposed to put decorations deep inside your tree to create depth, didn't know you were supposed to use large over-sized ornaments, and never for the life of me could ever figure out how to put ribbon on our tree. Now I do. And I finally have a tree that is not anything special, but at least it's not embarrassing.

Not the greatest of pictures, but you get the idea...
The thing I love about it is that it's not so matchy matchy that I can't bring out my ornaments that have special memories. When Brad and I got married every year we would buy one ornament that symbolized a major event that took place in our lives that year. In fact if you look at the picture above, there is a white house in the middle of the tree; that symbolizes the year Brad and I built our first house in Cda. I also have pregnancy ornaments, baby ornaments, work ornaments, vacation ornaments... one of my favorite parts of unpacking all the Christmas decorations is taking a trip down memory lane and looking through all the ornaments that have brought so many fun memories to our family.

Madelyn is hilarious! She loves to take the ornaments on the bottom half of the tree off, then put them back on again. She makes up little songs about how fun it is to decorate the tree, today I even overheard her patting herself on the back, "This looks WONDERFUL!"

What a little cutie!