Thursday, October 29, 2009

I'm A Big Girl Now!

Reagan hit a major mile-marker this summer by losing her first tooth! She was so excited! The tooth fairy gave her $2 and some tic-tac's (Reagan's favorite), and we were surprised she didn't pull the rest of her teeth out on the spot! She was so funny to watch that first morning as she peered underneath her pillow... She squealed in a really high-pitched voice, and threw her whole body back so she could kick her feet in the air, but as she threw herself backwards she hit her head really hard against the wall... we all froze waiting to see what kind of reaction we were going to get from her, then the entire family (including her) erupted in laughter as she sat up dazed, and rubbing her head. She's such a goof ball! Here are some cute pics of our "big"girl!

She cracks me up, she is wearing Maddy's coat (size 2),
and yet still manages to look pretty stinkin' cute! =0)

Reagan's second tooth fell out a week later!
She's such a cute little jack-o-lantern!


Anonymous said...

Wow.... she is getting big! She looks a lot older with short hair. She is BEAUTIFUL just like her mommy!!