Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another year older...

I turned 33 this year...yikes! One of our youth staff members actually referred to me as "middle-aged" and I about died! Where did the time go? I still feel like I'm fresh out of college...well, other than the fact that I have 3 (almost 4) little cutie pies tagging along after me... Oh well, I guess you're only as old as you feel right? In that case, I'll remain in my young 20's another few years! =0P

Keeping with our tradition of finding non-chain type restaurants that neither of us have ever been to, Brad found the PERFECT spot to celebrate my special day. So perfect, that I am almost tempted to break our tradition and go back next year... now that's sayin' something! Soo good! If you are ever visiting the Seattle area, The Purple Cafe is definitely a place well worth visiting! I highly recommend it. The only thing that slightly tainted my perfect evening, was fighting severe waves of not a fun stage of pregnancy. Boy, am I ever thankful to be done with it!

A picture with the birthday girl!
Super yummy appetizer...can't remember what it was now that I'm looking back at the pictures, but I do remember we dipped that crispy flat bread that's next to it in it... mmmhmmm good!
One of the best parts about the restaurant is that the meals
are fairly inexpensive, in hopes that you will buy wine or some
other type of alcholic beverage. If you don't, you leave with an
amazing meal for an even more amazing price!

Cute little dining area outside...
normally I totally would have chosen to eat outside,
but it was so stinkin' hot, we opted for the air-conditioning over the romantic setting.