Saturday, July 25, 2009

Lazy Blogger

Oh my goodness! I'm so far behind on family updates I almost don't want to begin. Bear with me as I traipse back through pictures taken over the past four months, and try to get you all up to date! It has taken me a ridiculous amount of time to change the background on this blog, and I really don't like the foofy chandelier! But I don't have the time or the energy to find a new layout, so you'll have to endure looking at this grandma-looking chandelier while you read my blog until I can find enough time to figure out something different.

First off, a few of you know, but probably most don't that we are expecting AGAIN! Yes, yes, we're going to need a 15-passenger van soon, if we keep things up. We are super excited and slightly over-whelmed, but ready to take on this new adventure! I really like my new doctor, she's actually located inside Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland (where I'll be delivering). Our due date is January 29th, (one week after Reagan's birthday, and one day after my nephew and my dad's birthdays)...what can I say, the end of January is a popular month with the Mallory clan! I'm already huge, so I'm getting worried that I may actually end up with stretch marks after all! Wouldn't that just be my luck! =0(

Well, we're about to take a family bike ride, so I'm going to get out and enjoy some fresh air with the fam. We have a super busy month coming up, but I'll try to post as much as I can this week, so check back often! =0)


Leah said...

I totally love your new layout! You must tell me how you did it! I get totally overwhelmed with trying to figure everything out. It looks adorable! Good job! Miss you!

Anonymous said...
