Thursday, April 9, 2009

We're here!


Josiah asked, "Why are there fish in with the
bears?" We didn't have the heart to tell him!

Watching the bears...

Josiah sat and watched the otter swim past
him for about 5 minutes! He loved it!


All the grown-ups were glad this guy was
safely behind the glass window! Eeek!

Josiah "monkeying" around! =0)

Strike a "pose"

Josiah and Janae


We are officially here in Seattle! And I must say we couldn't have picked a better week to move! We've had beautiful weather all week!!! Monday and Tuesday we had low to mid 70's and the rest of the week hasn't been bad either! (watch me jinx myself now!) Because of all the sunshine we've been running like crazy, and this morning as I type this, I find myself almost nauseous I'm so tired. We started the week off going to the zoo on Monday. It was 74, not too hot, not too cold, and like Mary Poppins would say, "Practically Perfect In Every Way!" Thankfully I borrowed a stroller from the people we're staying with because we ended up staying from 9:30am-1:30pm! We went with some friends that have 3 kid just a little bit younger than ours. They had a blast together! In fact, maybe too much fun as we found Josiah with his arm around one of the girls at the end of the day! =0)


kerstins blogg said...

Fina bilder

MarksX4 said...


Anonymous said...

Not "nauseous" as in pregnant - Praise the Lord! Nauseous as in so tired I feel sick and shakey... that happens when I go a week with only a few hours of sleep! ;0)