Monday, August 4, 2008

Kid Updates!

Madelyn: This is actually her nine month picture... she has changed so much even since then. She'll be one in three weeks! She's crawling (still not walking - which I am fine with!), waving good-bye, sometimes it even sounds like she says, "Buh-bye"... She can say, "mama", "dada", just started blowing kisses, and loves playing peek-a-boo by lifting her bib over her face... She's my super fast one, she can empty a drawer of clothes before I even have the chance to walk across the room! She will definitely keep me on my toes!

Reagan: Is working through the no nap stage. I'm still making her rest for at least an hour. She is my constant helper, and loves to feel useful! She is also trying to learn how to ride a bike with no training wheels, and looking forward to Kindergarten in a few weeks - yikes!

Josiah: (Will be getting pictures next month) Our funny little comedian, who is always making us laugh with the silly things he says. Loves to cuddle (physical touch is definitely his love language!), can be found at any and all times making "monster truck" noises, and racing around the room pushing anything that has wheels!