Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reagan starts school (October 2007)

A friend and I decided to do preschool at home. So this fall Reagan, and her friend Caleb began "real" school. Complete with show and tell time, recess, science, reading, math and all of the above! We meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 1-4. My friend teaches on Tuesdays at her house, and I teach Thursdays at my house. It's so amazing watching how quickly they catch on! We started school in October, and by the end of December they were both reading short books! They just recently mastered their months of the year, and days of the week in both English and Spanish, and are working on Spanish colors. It's so rewarding watching them grasp new concepts and learn new things. I'm including a few pictures of our "field trip" to the fire department too.