Thursday, August 19, 2010

Chloe army crawling

So I had a feeling our little Chloe would be an early mover... starting with when she was 5 days old and our pediatrician said, "You definitely don't want to leave this little munchkin alone on the bed, or any high surface. She's a strong one." Not only is she strong, but she's also left to fend for herself all too often, as I'm hurrying from place to place or busy with one of the other kids. So when she started rolling both ways at two months, I joked with Brad that if she started crawling or getting into things at an early age I was going to shove her back down. At the time I was more serious than joking! But yesterday when I put Chloe on the living room floor, and later turned to find her next to me in the kitchen, it was just as cute and just as exciting as it was with all the others. Thankfully, she's not "technically" crawling, (more of an army crawl), so she's not quite to the destroyer stage, and for that I'm thankful.