Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A little creativity and a whole lotta fun!

THE RIDDLE OF THE DAY: What do you get when you cross a hot day, with a mommy who has morning sickness and refuses to roll off the couch?

THE ANSWER: A little creativity and a whole lotta FUN!

Almost the entire time we were up at Cedar Springs Camp, I was so unbearably sick, I could hardly get to a standing up position without feeling like I was going to pass out or throw up. It was awful. During this time the kids learned how to make their own lunches, watched quite a few movies (horrible, I know), and well, learned how to be creative...

We didn't have a sprinkler, so the kids made one! They had a blast! Pretty creative I thought! Below are some great shots of how we spent most days at Cedar Springs Camp... eating popsicles, and playing outside.