Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Hair-raising Event

Reagan may make a great hair stylist someday...she just needs to perfect her technique a little. She needs to learn less is more. Less chunks out of the bangs, and more along the lines of a trim. This time instead of only cutting her hair though, she also cut the hair of her two friends! Normally I would think, "Aww no big deal, hair grows back." But this hair cutting had incredibly bad timing. Reagan had school pictures the next day, and we were supposed to have family pictures the day after. We did neither. And it gets worse... her two friends were flower girls in a wedding two days later! Thankfully the mom was a good sport, and just laughed, or I think we would have all cried! I gave Reagan a very stern talking to and thought it hit home. Lately she's been saying how embarrassed she is about different things so I tried to relate it to that and told her how embarrassed her friends were going to be when they had to stand in front of a huge crowd of people with no hair in the middle of their foreheads. I thought she was remorseful and she understood the importance of not cutting other people's hair. But as we were waving good-bye to her friends, she yelled really loud, "Come back soon, and I'll cut your hair AGAIN!!!"