Friday, September 12, 2008

No training wheels

Our kids seem to be growing and changing everyday. In fact, today I told Josiah I can't believe you're learning how to ride a bike, and put your shoes on by yourself - you're getting so old! His reply was, "Are you going to sell me?" "Sell you? Why would we sell you?" I questioned. "Because when things get old, we sell them!" Can you tell we've moved two times this summer? Poor guy.

Reagan too is learning and growing by leaps and bounds. She's going to school, she has a bigger appetite... and yesterday, we turned another corner. She is officially riding with no training wheels!!! A friend of mine came over, and mentioned that her 2 (almost 3) year old boy took off his training wheels. I told this to Reagan and she said, "I can take off my training wheels too!" I wasn't so sure she was ready to make the transition since this is the first summer she really started riding her bike. And even then it hasn't been that much. But I grabbed a wrench and took her to an empty development down the street and told her to practice riding with training wheels for a while. Then whenever she was ready, I would take her training wheels off.

She rode for a long time. Never once did she mention wanting to take her training wheels off. Finally Madelyn and Josiah started going stir-crazy in the stroller, so I told Reagan, "Okay, let's give it one quick try... Maddy and Josiah need naps." She started sounding a little hesitant and like she needed a nap herself... This should be fun I thought, as I envisioned me pushing a bike and a stroller home... After the training wheels were off I told Reagan I would hold on to her until she told me to let go, but the more I thought about it the more I realized she's the type of person that will have me panting up and down the streets because it's easier to have mom doing all the pushing. So I started out by holding lightly on her back and after two steps I let go... Strong, solid, no wavering... literally cruising down the street! I let her ride for a long time before I yelled, "Reagan, great job! You're riding by yourself!!!!" Of course when she realized she was riding all alone, she wobbled a little bit, but straightened right back out and continued to cruise. She wasn't quite sure how to stop once she got down the road so she took a flying leap off and let the bike continue on it's merry way. Unfortunately her bike also has a loose chain, so every time the bike fell, the chain also fell off. So after the tenth time of putting the chain back on, I, and my oil-stained fingers decided to call it quits.

Later that evening we had a couple from our church watch the kids so we could go out to dinner, and when we came back to pick them up Reagan had already learned how to start and stop on her own, and Josiah (who has never ridden a two-wheeled bike before) had also learned to ride with training wheels! The couple also were kind enough to let us borrow the bike Josiah rode for the rest of the summer. He's ecstatic! First thing this morning he said, "I want to ride the bike my Grandma and Grandpa gave me!" Now these aren't his real grandparents, but in his book, they're pretty darn close! I took some cute videos of them today so you can see for yourself. Hope you enjoy! =0)