Friday, March 19, 2010

Welcome Home Chloe!

Brad was talking about how nice the rooms were to one of the nurses, and he jokingly said, "Yeah, all you guys need now is a recliner for the dad's!" Well, it wasn't too much longer when they wheeled in a recliner just for Brad!!!
Coulee City will always have a special place in our hearts. Not only was it the first place that Brad and I lived as husband and wife, but the people are amazing! Every single time we've had a baby, at least one person from Coulee City has come to the hospital to visit us. Here is a pic of Jeannie Isaak hanging out with us in the hospital. Love her!
Daddy and Chloe resting up for the ride home...
I loved Evergreen. When the doctor came that morning to check on us, she asked me how I was feeling. I told her that I was feeling awesome, and way better than I've ever felt with any of the other kids. She said, "Great! As soon as you're ready to leave, feel free!" When I asked if I needed to stay 24 hours she said, "Nope. When you're ready to go, just let one of the nurses know up front." Sweet. We were out of there shortly after! =0)

We walked into the house and Auntie Em and the kids made "Welcome Home" signs for Chloe... so sweet!
My friend Kelly made this hat for Chloe... I love it!
Reagan is so excited about another little baby! And she's not the only one! Josiah said the other day that I should have a HUNDRED BILLION more kids! Poor guy, he will be sorely disappointed. =0)
I was worried Maddy would be really jealous. A few months before we had Chloe I was holding another little baby in my lap, and she ran for me crying, "My mommy! My mommy!" And tried to shove the baby off my lap! Amazingly enough there has been absolutely NO jealousy whatsoever. She adores Chloe, and hopefully it will stay that way!
Sweet Sisters