Friday, December 4, 2009


It seems like every year I forget about needing to find the kids costumes for Halloween until the night before. I don't know what my deal is! Thankfully a friend let me borrow a costume for Josiah, and I rummaged through the girls' dress up box and came up with random things for them to wear. Madelyn would have loved it if I had completely forgotten about Halloween all together. She threw a complete conniption getting into her costume! I don't know where she gets her stubborn streak, but oh my, does she have one!

Not happy.
Trying to rip her costume off! At this point she started saying, "Owie! Owie!" So I figured the costume itched and took it off to put a onesie on underneath. As soon as I got her dressed in her onesie, she ran to the dresser...

And triumphantly picked out a pair of jeans, and said, "THIS!"
What can I say, the girl knows what she wants!
After another long battle, I managed to get her in her costume...

And she actually made a pretty cute little bride! =0)
Josiah was a brave little pirate

Reagan was a cheerleader

She even performed a little cheer for people when they asked her to! Very cute.

Our church had a carnival, so after we went trick-or-treating at a few houses, we headed to the church where the kids painted pumpkins, played games, jumped on inflatables, and even won a few goldfish!

Maddy getting her face painted! I was impressed the she stood still for so long!

My favorite line of the evening came from Josiah. Brianna and I were trying to get him to get his face painted. We suggested a patch, a mustache... all good pirate-y sorts of things, but he firmly shook his head and said, "Nope. I don't want nuffin. I just wanna be plain ol' me!"