Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Josiah. My handsome little man. Sweetest thing on earth. Lover of monster trucks, trains, and all things with wheels. Cautious. Sensitive. Energetic. Sweet.

Ahhhhh Josiah.... There are so many things that make my heart melt when I think about him. For starters, everyday he tells me how beautiful I am, and how he's going to marry me....what else can you ask for...really? Just to give you an idea of what a sweetheart he is - The kids have been having this ritual in our house of telling me how "not cute" I look with my glasses on. (For the past 7 months my eyes have been giving me problems. It's hard for me to wear my contacts, so I've reverted back to wearing glasses). Now I know I don't look especially cute wearing them, but there's not a whole lot I can do about it, so instead of stumbling around and bumping into things, I wear them. Reagan started the trend of saying, "I don't like you with your glasses on." or "You don't look very beautiful with your glasses on." And Josiah jumped right on the bandwagon. Everyday I wore my glasses I was reminded how "not cute" I looked. One day I decided enough was enough, so I said, "You know what, it's rude to tell mommy that. How do you think that makes mommy feel?" It was quiet for awhile, and neither of them said anything. A few hours later, long after I had stopped thinking about the issue, Josiah snuggled in my lap and looked up at me with sincere little eyes and said, "I think you're beautiful any way you are mommy. I love you and I'm gonna marry you!" Talk about having me wrapped around his finger!

He is definitely our "physical touch" boy. Every morning at the breakfast table he says, "Can I snuggle with you mommy?" Of course I can never resist, so he moves his plate right next to mine, lays his head in my lap and says, "I love you mommy. Your my best mommy." Wonders for the self esteem! I can tell you now he won't date until he's 30, or at least until the girls realize what a true gem he is. Don't get me wrong, he's also "all boy". He races his monster trucks around the house non-stop, uses the couch like it's a torpedo launching pad, and has accidents fairly regularly just because he's too busy playing. But it's okay though he says, "because the pee doesn't go all the way to my socks." Not sure how one gauges what a "true" accident is, but Josiah seems to have it all figured out.